Sunday, March 25, 2012

Just for Fun Mini

I did this mini just because I had the front cover sitting around for months with nothing on it. I figured it was time to do something with it. There is no theme to this, just lots of pretty stuff inside. So, what do you say we have us a look inside.

Below is the front cover of the mini, The window is a Dusty attic chippy that I stained and colored. Then decorated.

Hope you enjoyed your stroll. Next time I'll add a few benches along the way so you time to sit and catch your breath for a spell.


  1. Well if you haven't figured out by now........ i kinda like it. :)

  2. Very pretty. I love those colours. Happy Easter soon.

  3. Your work is all beautiful!

    How do you hang up what I posted in my blog of my wall hanging.

    I want to have ribbon to go from the first one to the next so it

    hangs two? How much space would I need. you can write me with my email if you like. Also would you mid-way through the ribbon would you adda bow to sort of make it as it is not one long ribbon. I looke at yours but you have yours on a branch with more in one blog.
